
Hi I’m Chinonso Ovuegbe, I earned a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at San Antonio. My career and technical interests are generally in Robotics and Controls. Specifically mobile robots, manipulators and, of recent, legged robots

Research Experience

  • Research Assistant - Robotics and Motion Lab
  • Research Assistant - Advanced Data Engineering Lab (https://www.alaeddini.org/)

Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant - Numerical Methods
  • Teaching Assistant - Materials Engineering
  • Teaching Assistant - Dynamic Systems and Controls

Technical Skills

  • Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, NI myRIO, Lathe, Soldering, 3D printers, Manual Mills, Power tools

  • Software: MATLAB, SolidWorks, ANSYS, LABVIEW, C++, Python, Excel VBA, CoppeliaSim, Robot Operating System (ROS), Linux OS

I’m also an avid football (soccer) fan (#GGMU, #PL), and I play a lot as well.